In this article, I'm going to discuss OAuth 2.0 and the Latitude API. A couple of days ago, OAuth 2.0 support was announced for the Latitude API, and I figured it might be a good idea to take a more in-depth look on how OAuth 2.0 can be used with the Latitude API and how theGoogle APIs Client Library for Java implemented the Oauth 2.0 spec.
The article is accompanied by a sample application on Github. It's heavily inspired by existing samples for Google APIs Client Library for Java. In order to run the sample, clone the Git repo, import the project in Eclipse, fill in the Oauth constants (see subsequent section) and run the LatitudeSample class. In order to resolve the project dependencies, it's advised to use the Maven2 plugin for Eclipse.
The goal here is to start executing requests on the Latitude API, secured via OAuth 2.0. For this, we'll use a simple command line application. For the same flow using the Latitude API on the Android platform, checkout Oauth 2.0 flow in Android